The next generation in Dog Drying!

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Reducing wet dog odor
Quickly drying your dog after a bath
Drying your dog after a rainy day walk
Warming your dog from cold winter walks
Helping to relieve the fearfulness of a blow dryer
Quick drying a dog’s undercoat from the wet grass
Removing icicles from your dog’s fur in the winter
Drying your dog after they jumped into a pool
Dog Dryer
It all started from a 3rd grade school project called Invention Convention. Even though the instructions were simple, the task was far from easy. With the love for her pet pug, Mojo, Marissa Streng was determined to come up with something for her dog. Mojo disliked being wet and so did we. The damp dog smells and the wet spots on the furniture! Her goal was to find a way to dry Mojo fast and without him running away. After many ideas that didn’t work or were already on the market, Marissa finally came up with a better way to dry her dog. The nine year old envisioned her dog stepping into a tube filled with warm air and wittingly named her invention, the Puff-N-Fluff.
The Puff-N-Fluff dog dryer is made by using a rectangle piece of material with four elastic leg holes. The paws are placed through the openings, and then the sides are brought together and easily fastened by a hook & loop. Next, pull the draw strings to close the gap around the head and tail. Virtually any blow dryer can be attached to the flex-hose to let warm air circulate around your dog. The hours of waiting for your dog to fully dry is now accomplished within minutes!
Recent News
United States Patent and Trademark Office talk of Marissa
Meet Marissa Streng Marissa was awarded a Patent in 2013 for her invention of a dog dryer. Patent No. US 8371246, Device For Drying Pets. She also owns the registered trademark PUFF-N-FLUFF® Reg. No. 4180825.
Puff N Fluff on interwebs
Nine-year-old Marissa Streng came up with the Puff-N-Fluff bag. To dry her pug, Mojo, after a bath, after a swim, after coming in from the rain, after any time she preferred not gagging and retching to inhaling the ripe must of wet dog. I hate you, Marissa Streng....
Puff-N-Fluff goes International
Puff N Fluff has made it to homes across the world. Be sure to get yours today 🙂
Life lessons on Inventing
Look at Marissa Streng, a 3rd grader who participated in an invention contest a few years ago. She loved her dog, loved giving him baths, but could never get him dry. So she invented the Puff-N-Fluff, a dog drying system. Life lessons on Inventing
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Marissa makes “The List”
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Puff N Fluff on the Steve Harvey Show
Did you miss the show or just can't get enough of the PUFF-N-FLUFF ON THE STEVE HARVEY'S FUNDERDOME? This is your lucky weekend! It will rerun this SUNDAY ON ABC at 9pm!
Puff-N-Fluff video goes viral on the dodo
PUFF-N-FLUFFS ARE GREAT FOR: Reducing wet dog odor Quickly drying your dog after a bath Drying your dog after a rainy day walk Warming your dog from cold winter walks Helping to relieve the fearfulness of a blow dryer Quick drying a dog’s undercoat from the wet grass...
University of South Florida Young Innovator Competition Winner featured on the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon
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The Puff-N-Fluff Dog Dryer Rated in the Top 10 for 2016!
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Puff-N-Fluff Daily Dot Viral Video hits 26 Million Views!!!
This is kind of genius. And it was invented by a 9-year-old Reducing wet dog odor Quickly drying your dog after a bath Drying your dog after a rainy day walk Warming your dog from cold winter walks Helping to relieve the fearfulness of a blow dryer Quick drying a...
Houston News KHOU aired PNF on Try It Out Tuesday
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Puff-N-Fluff in the Tampa Bay Times
Jimmy Fallon had a kid from Clearwater on the 'Tonight Show' last night Michelle Stark, Times Staff Writer Thursday, February 20, 2014 11:24am Jimmy Fallon with Marissa and her dog Mojo, from Clearwater! Last night on the Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon introduced a new...
Puff-N-Fluff Dog Dryer on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
Puff-N-Fluff Dog Dryer shown on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
Welcome to our Dog Dryer Blog by Puff-N-Fluff!
We look to provide you with updates and information on our product and general information in the industry. All suggestions and comments are welcome. We invite all dog lovers, private as well as groomers. We have tailored our product continuously from feedback from...